Dalian University of Technology (DLUT)
Email: xinye@dlut.edu.cn
Address: School of Control Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, PR. China, 116024
Won the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2017) Competition on Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization (CEC2017国际大会超多目标优化竞赛第一名)
Young Talent Lifting Project of Jiangsu Province 获得第一届江苏省青年科技人才托举工程资助
2020 Distinguished Young Investigator Award by IEEE SMC WG8.9 and WG8.12 (2020年被IEEE 系统、人与控制学会(SMC)企业信息系统专委会授予了杰出青年科学家奖)
Xinye Cai received his BENG in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in 2004, Master by Research in Department of Electronics, University of York, in 2006 and PhD in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University in 2009.
My main research interest is computational intelligence (a major branch of artificial intelligence), multiobjective optimizaiton, meta-heuristic algorithms, data mining and their applications in real-world problems. Recently, I am focusing upon developing meta-heuristic algorithms for multiobjective (NP-hard, constrained, nonlinear, continuous or combinatorial) optimization problems with high-dimensional variables, as well as data-driven optimization (big data, machine learning + optimization).
Dr Cai has published more than 50 papers in top journals and prestigious conference as the first author/corresponding author, including IEEE TEVC, TCYB, TSMC: System, ECJ and so on.
I have been the Principle Investigator for two Research Fund for National Science Foundation of China, one Research Fund for Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, and several joint projects with industries. I have also been a major participant in a key project sponsored by NSFC.
IEEE member,ACM member.
2011: 胡振洲(2015年江苏省优秀硕士论文) 现在华为(南京)研究院工作
2012: 李业兴(获得华为奖学金¥8000),现在华为(上海)研究院无线通信部门; 成鑫,现在江苏省网络监控中心
2013: 杨志翔(获得国家奖学金¥20,000,2016年江苏省优秀硕士论文),现在海康威视(视频安防领域全国第一); 张宁,现在中兴(南京)研究院
2014: 梅志伟(发表一流IEEE Trans论文两篇),现在美团; 朱春阳(IEEE CEC2017国际大赛第一名),现在华为(西安)云计算中心
2015: 孙浩然(2019年江苏省优秀硕士论文,美团等多个offer); 夏超(美团等多个offer); 孙文学(网易等多个offer); 汪欣(英伟达等多个offer)
2016: 李振宇; 胡密;胡涵
2017: 郭柯卿; 蓝天;张峰